Phalaenopsis amabilis with some sort of mites?
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Phalaenopsis amabilis with some sort of mites?
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Old 01-29-2011, 07:52 PM
sarahlydear sarahlydear is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 19
Phalaenopsis amabilis with some sort of mites?
Default Phalaenopsis amabilis with some sort of mites?

So my Phals seem to be under attack but I can't seem to fugure out what it is. There is no "webs" or puss and I can't find any other signs of mites. It is 20 below around here so there aren't any other insects currently alive. I was given this recipe from another fourm but the Phals seem to be doing so well other wise I don't want to do anything to ruin the progress I've made.

I use the following mix to spray down scales and mealy bugs, both the plant and the mix.

1 part of rubbing alcohol
1 part of 409
4 parts of water
I dunked the infested plants in their pots in a bucket of water with a couple of drops of a growth regulator.(1 tbsp per 5 gallons)
I repeated the process 10 days after and the mealies are gone.
Growth regulators prevent the young mealies from molting therefore not completing their lifecycle, eggs won't hatch and it makes the females sterile. Good stuff
And it doesn't harm the plants
It will not kill the existing adults but destroy the future generations and mess up the adults reproductive system.
Getting rid of the adults is the "easy" part and can be done by spraying like Liz recommended.

One is flowering, one is growing a new inflorescence and the other is newly mounted. The spots on them are growing and as you can see are begin to eat the outer rim of the plant but again I don't want to douse them in something that will stunt future growing :P
Help please?
Attached Thumbnails
Phalaenopsis amabilis with some sort of mites?-2-1-2011-213-jpg   Phalaenopsis amabilis with some sort of mites?-2-1-2011-220-jpg   Phalaenopsis amabilis with some sort of mites?-2-1-2011-226-jpg   Phalaenopsis amabilis with some sort of mites?-2-1-2011-229-jpg  
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adults, growing, mites, plant, water, sort, amabilis, phalaenopsis

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