I broke every single one of my purchase rules today.

This plant is decidedly NOT compact, and is a noid. Bad Izzie. But it does have a faint fragrance!
It followed me home from the grocery store. I couldn't say no! This lovely lady was three times the size of all the other cyms there!
From what I can tell, there will eventually be five
(make that six, I just found another tiny one starting.)spikes. Two in full bloom now, one with fat buds, and two that are just starting.
There are also (i think) three new leads.
HOWEVER. I worry about the leaves. I've seen this kind of mottling in some of my plants (and those of others) that tested negative for viruses. But I just want to be sure, since I'm not at all familiar with this alliance. What do you think? Virus or just random anomaly?
New lead #1
Spike with fat buds- I'll probably cut off that spotty leaf to the left.
New spikes?
Other two leads
And the scary leaves.

The mottling is only showing up so strongly here because it is backlit. Otherwise, it's not this obvious.

A close-up

I can provide high-res photos of these last two if you want more detail.
Here are the blooms.

Yes, they are the right way up- guess it decided to be resupinate.

Please let it be virus-free!
ETA: The tag says it was grown by Westerlay Orchids.
ETA2: There is no mottling on the younger growths. It's only on the oldest pseudobulbs.