Thanks for your reply and interesting info, Rosie!
Originally Posted by RosieC
Ah, if it's Pholcus phalangioides then it should be fine. When I first read Granddaddy Longlegs I thought of an insect called a crane fly (in the family Tipulidae) which has either that name or just Daddy Longlegs in this country.
Crane fly larvae damage lawns by eating roots and I've heard they can damage the roots of other plants as well.
On the issue of Pholcus phalangioides and their venom... this is what Wikkipedia has to say...
"An urban legend states that Pholcidae are the most venomous spiders in the world, but because their fangs are unable to penetrate human skin, they are harmless to humans. However, recent research has shown that pholcid venom has a relatively weak effect on insects.[3] In the MythBusters episode "Daddy Long-Legs" it was shown that the spider's fangs (0.25mm) could penetrate human skin (0.1mm) but that only a very mild burning feeling was felt for a few seconds."