Originally Posted by Ray
The coffee dregs appeared to be effective, but I cannot be certain.
Recently, I have found that 1% cinnamon leaf oil in 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol is quite effective, and appears to do no damage to plants.
I carry it for resale, but it can be bought directly from cinnamonvogue.com
Ray Barkalow
Hey Ray, I know this thread is a bit older, I hope you can still see it!
thanks for the info on the cinnamon leaf oil in rubbing alcohol combo, has it working out for you? Do you have any new findings about it from the last few years?
Also, how do you apply it? Spray leaves and roots, or soak the pot? I have a couple of new plants that just came in, and one of which carries with it a 1 inch long slug, which I found perched near the top of the potting mix, just lounging. I want to re-pot as soon as possible, but I am still waiting for my potting mix to arrive.
If I found a slug in there already, are the chances of finding more pretty high? I've read that the eggs can be hidden in the mix, but can they also be hidden on the roots themselves? Is it possible to have a clean new environment, but have new snails hatch out of the eggs that were already stuck on the roots?
Thanks guys!! I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely spring!