Today, my blinds fell on one of my orchids. It happened to be mounted. I have it inside because I have no yard. The blinds hit the newest part of one of the roots, smasing the green tipinto the mount. Could the plant be diseased now? What should I do?
I am worried about this, because I am relatively new to orchids, and have learned how you can kill quite a few very easily.
It should be fine just watch it if it starts to turn dark can clip the damaged part off and dab a tiny bit of cinnamon on the cut or seal it with antibiotic salve .. Not diseased ,off and on, I think all of us have oops happen .. Happy Growing
Agree with Gin. Boo boos happen. Had a shelf fall on one of my phals which broke off its only leaves as well as the growing tip. It was in pretty bad shape & required several months but it did recover so don't give up hope.
It should be fine, we all have roots and leaves and things break. I usually dab a little cinnamon on any break or cut but you have to be careful not to use too much on roots as it is drying, just a dab on the cut end. The other option is to use Listerine (the mouthwash) to wash the root (then rince it with plain water).