today when I was watering my 2 year phalaneaphsis, I determine soft half-yellow stains on the leafs on one of my phals. İt's like self rotting.
they are in same pot since I bought them. I give fertilizer with every watering. they are in bright area. and I spray them water in mornings.
so, What is your idea about the problem?
thank you already...
Last edited by merihdedeler; 09-10-2010 at 08:52 AM..
If it's never been repotted, that would be the first thing I'd do. Phals should be repotted at least every year into fresh mix.
Has the plant been exposed to very direct sunlight? It looks like it could be sunburn.
Whether it's that or a fungal infection, you might try spraying with a Physan 20 or Neem Oil spray.
yesterday I repot them, roots were like skein. today, curlings appeared on the corners of the leafs. I love my plants, I hope they dont die
thanx for advise .)
It does look like it could either be sunburn or an infection of some sort.
Keep a close eye on the patches, if they spread at all I would remove the damaged portion of the leaf imediately to stop it taking over the whole plant. Dab cinammon spike on the cut edges of the leaves to stop further infection.
If they don't spread they are probably sunburn. You said that it was in bright light. Phals like bright but indirect light, if they are in direct sunlight they can easily burn.