Ascocendas need high light and lots of water. I completely agree with CTB on stopping the root trimming. Vandas should never have their roots messed with, especially cut. They often sulk afterwards.

The black spots on the leaves you were referring to are probably just from sun expesure, and nothing to worry about. Perfectly natural. I also agree on not so much fertilizer and more water. And, a good thing to remember is that it's not how often you water, but for how long. You have to give the velamin time to fully absorb the water. My favorite local orchid nursery waters their Vanda house once a day in the summer for 15-20 minutes straight. The leaf wrinkling is brobably due to the loss off roots and therefore a more restricted water intake. Possibly her sulking reaction.
Concerning the cutting of the flower spike due to mealy bugs, personally, I don't think that was necessary. If you happen to encounter them again, try insecticidal soap, or, like me-you can use a pair of tweezers to pick them off one-by-one if the infestation is'nt to severe. Usually there only tends to be a couple to a few mealies in my experince.
Hope this was of any help!