Just discovered these on my cork mounted aerengis punctata - I don't know what type they are?
should I just pull them out?
I think they're real cuties!
They are really cute, Nella. Since they live on dead, decayed matter, I don't think they will cause a problem, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone else will have a more educated answer.
I'm a newbie so my answer may not be the best, but my understanding is that mushrooms are essential to potting medium as they break down decaying matter into the much needed nitrogen that promotes healthy plants. Lucky you that these mushrooms are so cute! LOL...
Perhaps someone more experienced could comment on the above.
Those are mycorrhiza. They have a symbiotic relationship with orchids and are used to germinate orchid seeds (the mycorrhiza provides energy for the seeds to grow). My mom also had some pop up in her Cattleya pot.