(I hope I put this in the right place)
I'm somewhat new to the orchid world but have a thriving collection of indoor orchids of various species.
This particular orchid is a pretty new addition which my mom selected. When I brought it home, I noticed the leaves were slightly wilted. I wasn't terribly concerned because I had brought other orchids home in the same condition and they were fine in a pretty short amount of time. I noticed that I couldn't visibly see its roots (clear plastic pot) but had had others with few roots who only needed some time and care and did fine, so I figured everything was fine. I decided to just keep a closer eye on it to make sure it was okay.
Now it's been awhile and its condition had started to worsen, so I decided to pull it out of its pot, only to find a disaster of a root system:
They are all completely shriveled and soggy. Very few have any tinge of green. The only solid-looking ones are those ones that have been above ground.
So my questions are:
Is this orchid salvagable?
If so, what can I do to help it?
And what probably caused this to happen?
Thanks for any and all help.