Hi, i got this orchid about a month ago. after about a week the bottom most of its 4 leaves yellowed over a couple of days and i took it off. the edges on the next leaf were a little yellow but i ignored it. two weeks later it too began to yellow and after close inspection i saw that the base was turning BLACK. i quickly soaked the area in peroxide and packed it with cinnamon. the 3rd leaf inevitably fell off but nothing else seemed to happen. then yesterday overnight the next leaf began turning yellow from the center up and the spike turned half yellow also some of the flowers which were fine the day before withered. i think its on its way out. when i unpotted it, i was amazed by what i saw. exactly HALF of the root system was rotten on one side and amazingly healthy on the other. idk whats going on. also on the bad roots there is small clusters of turqoise blue fuzzy patches with white edges. im assuming this is mold. what should i do about this if its even worth it. i was thinking not really waste any effort trying to save it and just getting a new one.
If you like the plant it's worth saving. I would cut the spike and remove all the moss and dead roots. I would also spray the good roots with brown Listerine or some other antifungal spray and repot in fresh medium.
Give it a go, with all those healthy roots and as long as you still have the crown intact with a leaf attached it could very well be worth saving.
If nothing else it will help with your growing and treating problems experience for these plants, and you may get your plant growing again
that always makes me feel good when I get a plant back from the brink
As you have soom good roots, if you can remove the bad ones and stop the spread of the rot/mold then it may well be salvagable.
I think you've done the right thing with peroxide so far. Remove all the medium, all the rotten roots and treat any suspect areas on the base of the plant with peroxide. Then I think all you can do is pot it back up in fresh medium and try and give it the best care you can.
Just got one of my phals doing that today...it's been a while.
Imo, when I see the leaf yellowing like that from the center, it's a pseudomonas infection.
Phyton 27.
You also need to repot; getting rid of the dead roots and freeing up the plant from that tight sphag ball.
I don't hold much hope for my phal unfortunately
Good luck with yours!