So I have two orchids grown in the exact same conditions. One has gone crazy with growth, new roots popping out everywhere and a flower spike -- in the middle of the hottest summer I've seen in a while and without any fertilizer change.
The other is a bit of a sourpuss. It has not grown too much, just put out another leaf and some healthy, white roots. Now I'm noticing that the leaves are floppy and thin and a kind of nauseating shade of green. The new leaf is thick and healthy.
So I'm wondering, has the problem been fixed because the new growth is healthy? I use the 'weekly, weakly' fertilizer method so when I watered it today I soaked it for a bit, and there was a yellow cloud of... stuff left in the tub after. Am I overfertilizing (although my other orchid recieved the same amount)? Or is it just a generally weaker plant?
I cannot remember where I got it, it has the same pot as the other orchid and is not labelled so it might not be a trustworthy vendor. I hope I don't need to inspect the roots; whenever I do it is a lost cause.
I'll attach an image. I hope you guys can help!