Weird bumps on leaves?
I have no pictures to provide, my camera wouldn't be able to capture the detail needed to show. I have a Sedirea japonica Nagoran that I have had for several years. I thought some insects had gotten to the crown at one time and damaged it as it put out a new growth. I've noticed on the new growth as it is growing that it looks like something is trying to poke up through the middle of one of the leaves....looks like it has a horn or a little spike. Is this something to be concerned about? I'm tempted to toss the plant as I'm not sure if the pest issue I thought the original growth has is really a pest issue. Maybe it is some how connected? I thought I noticed the raised bumps on another orchid as well in my collection but I can't recall which one it was. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Edit: I should also add that the raised growth/bump/horn or whatever it is looks like it is part of the is not brown or discolored so I can rule out scale or any other insects.
Last edited by Becca; 07-29-2010 at 09:08 AM..