bad to worse in my greenhouse - be nice
Good grief. It's been so humid, here. I have been fighting rot...left and right, and loosing plants, despite my efforts. I have tried "drying" the greenhouse (turning off the cooler, which just makes it hot AND muggy). I tried a cinnamon mix to no avail. I made bordeaux mix and applied it. To my horror, I discovered that some of my pleuros as well as a gongora and a coryanthes were sensitive to it and dropped all of their leaves. I didn't want to post this, as I am so frustrated and fragile, that I would take any perceived criticism as personal....then, this morning, as I am picking up the flood of dead leaves off of the bench, I notice a plant up-rooted and another plant toppled and then, one of my big ones all chewed up. I start cleaning up and something darts out from this big pile of sphagnum and leaves... THERE'S A BLOODY RAT IN MY GH. I am at the point of fire bombing the whole thing. If someone can talk me in off of the ledge, please do.