The plant does look very dehydrated, but the new roots look healthy. Get it potted again and secured so it doesn't wobble, and make sure it gets consistent water. Not too bright on the light till it plumps up a bit.
I forgot to answer your question about the magnifying glass. I'm using my husband's old Army issue 'jewelers loupe'. Part of it is in this picture.
Thanks again for your help!
Originally Posted by PaphMadMan
Spider mites usually go after softer more grassy leaves, and eventually there is a little bit of webbing to be seen. Do you have a magnifying glass? Unless some of that rust has legs or is moving I'd say its probably not spider mites.
If something is not sitting right with you, then its a good idea to check it out -- better safe then sorry. Besides I've been thru the same thing with spahgnum moss - ever see that stuff dried up on a leaf? looks like funky lice
Gloria, you're funny. I can imagine that dried sphagnum moss would indeed look like mites on a leaf, so I see that I'm not the only one who makes this type of mistake. Whew.
I will certainly ask if I'm suspicious about something, though.
Thanks for the encouragement.....and of course, the help!
Originally Posted by Lagoon
Hi Vicki
If something is not sitting right with you, then its a good idea to check it out -- better safe then sorry. Besides I've been thru the same thing with spahgnum moss - ever see that stuff dried up on a leaf? looks like funky lice
Hi Vicki,
I think your questions have been covered pretty good. I just wanted to ask if your growing conditions are humid enough? Other than that, those new roots are looking real good and will soon help to get your catt hydrated. It's just takes time and patience. Good luck with it!
Vicki,there is another advise for the future.Always repot your cattleya when there is a new growth and new roots at least half an inch then you won't have a wrinkle leaves.With a new growth and a new roots plant is much stronger and can handle the stress much better.Good luck with this one.
Last edited by ewcia1028; 08-03-2010 at 08:49 PM..
Thank you so much for your advice! I'm still learning, so this is another great tip that I'll add to my list of things I've learned! Your suggestion certainly makes sense. I appreciate all help and advice!
Thanks again!
Originally Posted by ewcia1028
Vicki,there is another advise for the future.Always repot your cattleya when there is a new growth and new roots at least half an inch then you won't have a wrinkle leaves.With a new growth and a new roots plant is much stronger and can handle the stress much better.Good luck with this one.