Originally Posted by Lagoon
Not too discourage anyone, But this is alot of the problem I had with bark, seems I couldn't keep the proper moisture level. It was either to wet and rotted away quickly along with my orchid or dried out and very difficult to reclaim good moisture level.
So for me me, It went, Overwater, underwater, overwater, then again underwater.
Ok I hate bark -- I said it 
I too, hate bark.
While at the GYNOS in NYC, I picked up a bag of KK's Special Orchid Mix by Kelly's Korners. (
Kelley's Korner Orchid Supplies)
It's a mix of coco husk chips, Diatomite, sponge rock and charcoal. It is suppose to hold up for about 3 years. It less prone to breakdown which brings unsightly little creatures .. spring tails and other bark decomposing pests.

I found that the orchids I bought have been sitting in their medium so long not only was it broken down but it was stained with fertilizer salts .. yuck! ..
I am very pleased with it so far though I have just started using it and will transplant more plants this year if need be .. I would eventually like to go to S/H as I have heard nothing but good news about using it.

I will try the KK for now and I think it will outdo the bark mixture I have used.
You do have to keep an eye on watering as it tends to dry out quicker than the bark. (I was told that in time it will hold more moisture.) My water scheduling in a state of change going from one medium to the other. But no biggie.

I, also like the way the KK mix looks with the orchids. The light brown with the green leaves is a nice palate compared to the dark icky brown of the bark ..
but hey, that's me
Remember when repotting to soak the material at least for a few hours if not overnight.
Good luck!