Hi all,
I would really appreciate any info or help diagnosing my cymbidium...
After reading nearly every page in this section of the board I still can't ID it. I keep thinking all of the pictures of orchid problems look like mine, so now I'm worried my poor orchid is sick / infested / doomed
I've included pictures and circled all 'questionable' areas…
My cause for initial concern was finding little white dots making a ring pattern on the underside of the leaves.
When preparing to re-pot, I noticed they were underneath every leaf and the ring patterns were in assorted sizes. The dots don't move at all so I don't think they're bugs or mites. Also, I couldn't find the white dots on any lower parts of the plant or in the soil or roots, nor on any of the new growths.
Before taking it out to repot, I cleaned off each leave with some peroxide and then (maybe too) generously applied this ortho ecosense spray that says it treats for disease, insects and mites. So far no return after 2 weeks...
What could it be, and do you think I've treated it correctly?
Also, should I be worried about these black marks on the leaves?
Do all black leaf streaks / marks / discolorations indicate sickness, or can I blame it on prior neglect?
My orchid is one of my grandma's many many cymbidiums she could no longer care for, so they've sat out in the backyard completely untouched for many years. I actually can't believe any of them are still alive!
I'm trying to rescue them all for her though so I really hope it's not a virus they're all going to have
Thank you for reading, hope to hear from you guys.