There are a number of things that can be used as "indicator plants" to test for virus. In addition to cassia (Cassia occidentalis), some varieties of amaranth (Gomphrena globosa), and amaranthus (Chenopodium amaranticolor), as well as Devil's Trumpet/datura (Datura stramonium) will all show viral symptoms pretty quickly. I suspect that almost any plant could theoretically be used, but the above are fast-growing and will show the signs within two weeks.
I keep thinking that I will give some of these a try, but haven't yet. In any case, I would double check a positive result with CritterCreek or another testing method before tossing a really choice plant. In fact, I think I'd also double check a negative result if I were very suspicious of a plant that was worth a lot to me.
If anybody experiments with these, we would all like to hear the results, I'm sure.
Regards - Nancy