I have some very dark spots on a hybrid (L. purpurata werkhauseri x C. whitei coerulea). The plant have just arrived (today) from Germany, wrapped in paper for 1 week in extreme weather (around 37 C during the day). The vendor is a serious one, they work with Floralia in Brazil. I don't want to accuse them of something they can't control (like summer heat...)
Could this spots be the result of the hot weather or lack of air? Can I treated somehow?
The dark area is not mushy, but I really don't know what it is...
The other plant I bought from the same vendor, L. Purpurata werkhauseri (ardosia x ardosia flamea), in the same parcel, looks better, but also have spots. Not so dark and they are different.
Please, a little help! Thank you very much!!!!