Fungus Gnats?
I've always had a fascination for orchids. A year ago, my fiance bought me my first Phal., and then about 6 months ago, he bought me another Phal. Two days ago, I bought a Catt. at lowes (its a "bag baby"). About 2-3 months ago I bought some new soil to re-pot the the Phal's into slightly bigger/more decorative pots. I believe the plant mix I bought was Better-Gro orchid bark mix (the contents were damp). I just recently returned home from being out of town where I bought my Catt, and I was going to re-pot it because it is in such a small pot. After re-potting it, I went to do my weekly watering of my Phal's and there were little black 'fruit fly' type bugs flying around, I squished about 10 of them with my hands, I then looked into the bark mix, and there are extremely tiny (practically microscopic), round-bodied, practically clear insects crawling around on the bark. I tried to chase one with my finger, hoping it would 'hop' (hoping it was maybe a springtail) but to no avail, it just scampered around quickly. Would you say these are fungus gnats? I only water once weekly, sometimes once every 8-9 days, and I fertilize with Better-Gro every other time that I water. I'm scared that this may be an infestation that may be hard to cure and I just brought a new baby plant into the apartment. Any information at all would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and I live in Pennsylvania. Thank you!!