Nepenthes are good for gnats and flies too I guess? Bec I know where a huge one is and it said "FEED me" the other day and I thought I was hearing things

?..I cant stand them little gnats that are about the size of dust particles and always seem to be in your face.
I like the idea of using plants to control pests rather than anything else.
Nepenthes pitchers usually capture small arthropods. Ones near the ground tend to capture crawling creatures while those higher in the air tend to capture more winged insects (although there is plenty of overlap). Sometimes small vertebrate animals are captured, too. Nepenthes rajah is sometimes cited as capturing little frogs. Did you know that the last thing in a frog to be digested is the skin of its hands? Look in a pitcher of Nepenthes rajah and you can learn about how many frogs it has been eating by looking at the little gloves floating in the juices!