Ok. So I picked up a clearance orchid at Lowes. I know it's probably not the best habit to get into but I felt so sorry for her The leaves were really limp but the roots looked great. I brought her home and watered. She was really dry. I placed her outside with all of my other orchids and now the center of the leaves are thin and dead. To me it looks like sunburn but she didn't receive any sun at my house. Could she have already received a burn at Lowes and not shown any signs untill the next day? Here are a couple of pics. I took them inside for better pic quality. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
yes it looks burnt ...the people that work in the garden center just move them to the best spot to move them out of the store.They really dont consider the fact they will get dameage....and yes sun today and show results after you get it home is more than possible.
Sunburn for sure it will look bad until the damage grows out,in time will lose bottom leaves & grow new from the top . Does not take much to burn one ..
Hey all Yes, the rack was sitting outside in the sun and I don't have it in the sun at my house. The other I purchased was sitting right next to this one at Lowes and is doing great. I don't get it. I was worried it was badly infected but it sounds like most everyone agrees it is sunburnt. Should I cut the leaves back?