The plant was on my windowsill and the weather has been quite warm. After a day or two i moved it as i noticed the flowers were starting to go a darker yellow/brown and were beginning to shrivel.
I thought it could be sun burn so as previously mentioned i moved it out of the sun but this has gotten worse.
I have recently fed the plant using baby bio orchid feed, and wondered if this may have affected it.
Looks like sunburn and some continued effects from it -shrivelling, browning and drying.
If the feeding was involved, I think you would have seen some symptoms on the foliage as well.
Hopefully you will get a few more buds forming that will be unaffected.
"Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want." ~Anna Lappe
Im not sure how long it was in bloom as i bought it a couple of weeks back in bloom, so it could have been a few weeks in the shop.
It did get 2 days of direct light, my house is not the brightest and i moved it there to get a bit of the sun, but then i was away for a couple of days which coincided with some very hot sun here, the first proper sun of the year.