Some sort of mite? Suggestions for control?
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Old 04-27-2010, 01:31 AM
ceropegia ceropegia is offline
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Some sort of mite? Suggestions for control? Female
Default Some sort of mite? Suggestions for control?

As I was examining the mold growing on one of my pots (I'd allowed it to sit in a too-wet tray for too long...whoops) I noticed some miniscule yellow insects on the side of the pot. I think they are mites (they are about 1/4-1/2 of a mm) but I'm not sure what species. They don't look like spider mite pictures I've seen or anything...

I examined the plant itself and I didn't see any crawling on it, so at least that's a good sign. I checked all of my other pots and I found the same tiny yellow ones on 2 other pots, along with some longer-bodied black-striped insects (about the same size). All 3 of the pots were damp to the touch (I've not been too diligent with emptying their trays lately :/) but I didn't see any of them actually on the plants.

So are these mites? How do they spread exactly? I haven't seen much info on how they get from place to place. What should I do to get rid of them if they are harmful? I was thinking I might try neem oil since another plant of mine has mealybugs (I sequestered it in another room) but I'm not sure how effective it will be.

Any suggestions? I'm attaching a pic but it's pretty hard to see any detail. I circled some of them anyway. Thanks!
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Some sort of mite? Suggestions for control?-mites1-jpg  
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Old 04-27-2010, 02:03 AM
Izzie Izzie is offline
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Some sort of mite? Suggestions for control? Female

Hmm...I've never seen mites like these that stayed just on the pots...
I HAVE, however, had mold grow on some of my terracotta pots that my plastic ones are set in. Ranged from white, to green, to dark green/brown.

For now, I'd wash off what you can until you can get more definitive answers.
Maybe try soaking in a bleach solution (if it's mold, 1 tsp bleach to gal. water) or very mild soapy water. (you can probably scrub the pot itself with regular soap, but weaken it if you soak the plant)
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Old 04-27-2010, 09:47 PM
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Some sort of mite? Suggestions for control? Female

Do they jump in the medium or when in water? They look like they are about the right size for springtails. Supposedly they don't do any harm--I had them a while back, but managed to get rid of them when I was repotting anyway. Here are some links for springtails: ENY-228/IG124: Springtails and
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Old 05-10-2010, 01:10 PM
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They look a little roundish for springtails, but it is possible.
And I can guarantee spring tails don't harm orchids. They only eat what is already dead. If they start jumping like they had little springs on their buts then they are springtails.
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