I try not to water after noon, but I mist my mounts and the *above ground* roots of potted orchids about twice ea. day......usually all at the same time. I could have carelessly dropped water on the leaves in the process, though. I put the shadecloth on my greenhouse about a week ago. I waited because I thought before that would be too early, but I apparently waited too late because I've got a few orchids that are too reddish.....including this one, as you mentioned.
I have a bottle of Physan 20 that I've had a little over a year. I hope it's shelflife is still good.
Thanks for your advice,
(By the way, I really like your album.....beautiful orchids, great greenhouse.....cute kitty.....and awesome log cabin home.....love it!)
Originally Posted by dounoharm
have you watered you plant during the evening hours? do you mist frequently? it looks either like sunburn from water droplets or possibly a fungus of some sort....i would treat it with a fungicide and spray with physan 20....gl!