Phal leaf discolorations!!
Can anyone please help??
I have 2 concerns about my phals:
1) On the underside of 1 leaf has developed a spotty, greyish-black and slightly 'fuzzy' type growth. I don't really care what it is but rather how it got there, how (if possible) to prevent it and how to treat it.
2) Often times, a leaf on a seemingly perfectly healthy phal will develop a charcoal black spot, or line or 'area'. These spots vary in size and look to be like 'dead spots'. My guess is that something has made contact with the leaf at the point and killed the tissue. More often than not, I can remove the black, dead area without affecting the plant at all. Sometimes, however, it will kill an entire leaf on a small plant that can't afford to lose any leaves. Ideas?
Unfortunately I don't have pictures, but I would guess that some of the 'Orchid Heirarchy' could identify my descriptions without.
Any commentation is welcome and appreciated. Greatly!