Hi Everyone. I'm new to orchids and I have a mealy problem on a currently blooming phal noid. I picked off 8 adults this morning but saw hundreds of "crawlers" running around disturbed. I have found most of them hiding in the white flowers (the color makes it particularly difficult...but anyways..), however there was one I found in the crown. I have also found some of that sticky honeydew stuff on the leaves.
I've only had this plant since Feb. 11 and found the first mealy bug a day or two later. And then haven't seen a sign of any more until now.
I'm thinking of spraying it down with alcohol and then possibly re-potting it next week as soon as I can get a new pot for it. I'm a bit apprehensive, as it is in flower right now (the last bud flowered last night), and I'm worried it might drop them, but I'm also worried about mealies hiding out in the roots and moss it's planted in. And I'm thinking that thoroughness is probably best for the life/health of the plant in the long run.
I also don't know if I should try using any insecticide or anything... I have some isotox...but I don't know if that is too strong of a chemical or what.
I'd love any and all advice.