Phal Yellow Leaves hopefully solved
Hi - I am new and think this looks like a terrific forum. I have been "playing" with orchids for about a dozen years and have brought mini-catts and dendrobiums to bloom each year but have absolutely NO luck with Phals. I bought a small one at Lowes around the beginning of Feb. All was fine until I noticed one of the leaves yellowing yesterday. I came to this forum and noticed most said to get it out of the sphag moss and into bark medium. (Many of the roots looked like rot was setting in so trimmed those). I got it into the bark and now have a couple of questions. 1. Any idea how long before I will see signs of life as in a new root shooting out of bark, and 2. how long before I should water again. I put it into soaked bark so that should stay at least damp for a while. I have it in a bright window - temp in house during day about 68 - at nite about 60. Thanks very much for any thoughts. Have attached a pict of one of my micro-catts - hope it makes it. Thanks again.