Phalaenopsis root rot Crisis
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:11 PM
King_of_orchid_growing:)'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by Shardless1337 View Post
This whole experiance has turned from fear to excitement, you guys are awesome. The orchid that you see was an experimental Hybrid Phalaenopsis from my local State university, I am so glad there is so much hope for it.
Cool beans! Let us know what's up with it. It'll be cool to know how you're doing.
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:44 PM
Shardless1337 Shardless1337 is offline
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Phalaenopsis root rot Crisis

I have been doing some reading around the Forum and it seems by the position of the lower Keiki , it may be a Basal Keiki. In this case I am to understand that it may be best to leave it be. Also looking at the picture over and over I cannot seem to locate the other Keiki you have identified, but hopefully I will with my newly obtained knowledge be able to identify it when I get home this evening.

You mentioned back in the original reply that the plant had alot of air roots, is this healthy for the plant, or should i make sure to tuck some of those into the potting medium?

Last edited by Shardless1337; 01-15-2010 at 06:57 PM..
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Old 01-15-2010, 10:37 PM
King_of_orchid_growing:)'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by Shardless1337 View Post
I have been doing some reading around the Forum and it seems by the position of the lower Keiki , it may be a Basal Keiki. In this case I am to understand that it may be best to leave it be. Also looking at the picture over and over I cannot seem to locate the other Keiki you have identified, but hopefully I will with my newly obtained knowledge be able to identify it when I get home this evening.

You mentioned back in the original reply that the plant had alot of air roots, is this healthy for the plant, or should i make sure to tuck some of those into the potting medium?
An orchid's roots are technically called aerial roots regardless of where they are on the plant.

Yes, I'm referring to the roots that are growing in the air out of the pot in the original post. But in reality, the ones in the pot and the ones outside the pot are the same thing. They function the same way. They are essentially one and the same.

There's no real difference other than the fact that the ones in the pot are adjusted to a wetter environment, as well as an environment without light, should they be potted in an opaque pot. The ones growing in the air are adjusted to a drier environment and are able to photosynthesize because they're also exposed to the light.

You can safely tuck the roots that are exposed to the air inside a pot with no problems. Just watch how much you water.

Trust me, they're the same.

Here's an analogy...

If you stick one of your legs inside a tub full of water, and you leave the other one out of the water on dry land, they're still your legs. It's not that one is Stephi's land leg, and the other is Stephi's water leg. They're both Stephi's legs, it's just one is in water and the other is on land.

Same thing with the roots of your Phalaenopsis.

I'll just watch what I type from now on, I don't want to spread any more confusion.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-15-2010 at 10:49 PM..
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food, orchid, plant, pot, roots, crisis, rot, root, phalaenopsis

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