Some "glue" under the phalaenopsis leaves
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Some "glue" under the phalaenopsis leaves
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:53 PM
OrchiT OrchiT is offline
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Some &quot;glue&quot; under the phalaenopsis leaves Male
Default Some "glue" under the phalaenopsis leaves

Hi everybody!

The season is going well, many different orchids are starting to flower everywhere, some for the first time. However, I just noticed that two of my 3 phalaenopsis now have some kind of sticky spots of glue under the leaves. Where the "glue" is forming, the leave starts to discolor and turn brown like other baterial "brown" spots. However, this seems much more domaging and it appears to grow (will notice the grow rate now that I know the issue) more or less quickly.

So, I was wondering if someone already noticed this on their phal? I checked in "orchid pests and diseases" and notice that something could do this: some kind of nymphs that extract a large quantity of honey-dew. However, most of the "glue" is located at the tip of the leaves, and I cannot see any kind of brown soft scale within the leave itself.

Also, if you know what it is, then I would like to know if a remedy exists other than the destruction of the plant. Otherwise, I will do this to make sure it doesn't infect all of them in the room!

Thanks for your help! I can send photos if needed.

Take care,

Fred & Sophie
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:57 PM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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A photo would be helpful.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:29 PM
OrchiT OrchiT is offline
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Some &quot;glue&quot; under the phalaenopsis leaves Male


I just attached the photos: sorry for the quality, but my camera is old and I couldn't get it to focus on the first leaf (only the background :| ); some issues with the "micro" function on the camera.

So, the first photo is to top side of the leaf. You can see the "discoloration" which is from dark green to light green (the light green is not normal).

On the second photo, you can "see" the back of the leaf, and the "sparks" on the photo (sorry again for the quality), are some kind of transparent drop of honey (stick to the fingers like... honey )

Also, one of the two orchids is blooming, and the blooming did not (yet) started.

Finally, I put them elsewhere in the house to make sure they don't infect any of the others in the collection.

Hope this helps a bit even if the quality is terrible.


Take care,

Fred & Sophie
Attached Thumbnails
Some &quot;glue&quot; under the phalaenopsis leaves-100_3629-jpg   Some &quot;glue&quot; under the phalaenopsis leaves-100_3631-jpg  
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Old 01-07-2010, 12:11 AM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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Have you thoroughly checked the plant for scale? Sometimes those buggers are hard to find. I'd swab the leaves with rubbing alcohol and keep it separatd from the rest of your collection for a bit.
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Old 01-07-2010, 09:00 AM
OrchiT OrchiT is offline
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Some &quot;glue&quot; under the phalaenopsis leaves Male

Hi Zoi2!

Thanks for the tip. So, some rubbing alcohol at about 70% could do the job? (or do I have to dilute it again?)

Also, this morning I noticed a white spider on the remaining phal. So I will keep monitoring them, and I will do what you suggested above once I know the concentration of alcohol I should use.


Take care,

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Old 01-07-2010, 09:12 AM
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Some &quot;glue&quot; under the phalaenopsis leaves Male

Joann's right. Check for unwelcome critters.

Sometimes you will see such exudations from flower spikes when the plant is being grown well (it's really sweet - try it), but if they occur under leaves, it's often being extracted by insects.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 01-08-2010, 03:35 AM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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I just use regular isopropyl alcohol (70%) on a q-tip and swab the leaves. Then wait a day or two and see if you still see the sap.
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Old 01-08-2010, 10:15 AM
stefpix stefpix is offline
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Some &quot;glue&quot; under the phalaenopsis leaves Male

I found 3 scales on my Phaius.
I removed them with a q tip with rubbing alcohol,

there was a spot on the leaf that was a bit sticky.
I sprayed with a mixture of alcohol, water and a few drops of dish soap and natural insecticide based on soybean oil. drenched the plant and then repotted in new media.

then i sprayed the plant and the area with some pyrethrine based spray.
I checked the other plants and i saw no signs of it.
wonder if scale came with the plant.

anyway a Phal seems pretty easy to clean as there are not too many crevices/ hidden spots.
I would spray since woth the q tip you only get rid of the mature scale not the young ones.
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Old 01-08-2010, 01:23 PM
OrchiT OrchiT is offline
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Some &quot;glue&quot; under the phalaenopsis leaves Male

Good perfect!

Thanks for all this useful information, I will do this and we shall see what happen next

Take care,

Fred & Sophie
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brown, glue, grow, leaves, phalaenopsis, spots

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