I just attached the photos: sorry for the quality, but my camera is old and I couldn't get it to focus on the first leaf (only the background :| ); some issues with the "micro" function on the camera.
So, the first photo is to top side of the leaf. You can see the "discoloration" which is from dark green to light green (the light green is not normal).
On the second photo, you can "see" the back of the leaf, and the "sparks" on the photo (sorry again for the quality), are some kind of transparent drop of honey (stick to the fingers like... honey

Also, one of the two orchids is blooming, and the blooming did not (yet) started.
Finally, I put them elsewhere in the house to make sure they don't infect any of the others in the collection.
Hope this helps a bit even if the quality is terrible.
Take care,
Fred & Sophie