Some "glue" under the phalaenopsis leaves
Hi everybody!
The season is going well, many different orchids are starting to flower everywhere, some for the first time. However, I just noticed that two of my 3 phalaenopsis now have some kind of sticky spots of glue under the leaves. Where the "glue" is forming, the leave starts to discolor and turn brown like other baterial "brown" spots. However, this seems much more domaging and it appears to grow (will notice the grow rate now that I know the issue) more or less quickly.
So, I was wondering if someone already noticed this on their phal? I checked in "orchid pests and diseases" and notice that something could do this: some kind of nymphs that extract a large quantity of honey-dew. However, most of the "glue" is located at the tip of the leaves, and I cannot see any kind of brown soft scale within the leave itself.
Also, if you know what it is, then I would like to know if a remedy exists other than the destruction of the plant. Otherwise, I will do this to make sure it doesn't infect all of them in the room!
Thanks for your help! I can send photos if needed.
Take care,
Fred & Sophie