Originally Posted by orchidsamore
The spotting is normal for gigantia grown in high light levels.
gigantia even though it is a Vandaceous orchid grows in much lower light than other Vanda.
It can grow well in Phalaenopsis light levels. An excellent Vanda grower assures me they will flower in Phal light levels.
I tried an experiment this year with some in the Vanda house and some in the Phal house. The plants are from the same seed batch.
The leaves look magnificent in the Phal house and the Vanda house plants look like yours or even more spots.
All the Vanda house plants are coming into bud but the Phal house has not started yet. If it is only delayed flowering in the Phal house I will move all them there next year. If the Phal house ones do not bloom I will try a light level in between.
Hi Jerry,
I have two of these plants from you. I have them planted in Cocoa Husk Chips........lots of space between the 'chunks' and they are both doing fine.
Light level is the same as those for Phals. at your suggestion. They are sprayed down early in the day.
One of the plants does have some of these brown markings, they don't seem to do any harm and since the plant is doing fine I leave it alone if it ain't broke.
