Helllo everyone and happy new year! I have a Rhynchostylis gigantea 'Peach' with some brown spots that are making me worried. I bought it about 3 weeks ago and repotted it. I sprayed it down with Physan while I had the roots bare. I potted it in one part sphag and one part LECA in a clay orchid pot that gets plenty of air movement. It's watered every morning. When I first saw the spots I sprayed it with Physan again. I was thinking to try spraying it with a mixture of alcohol and cinnamon I have. I thought that maybe since I put sphag in it that it was keeping it too moist since it's part of the Vanda family but then I looked online and saw other people do almost straight sphag. If you look in the pic you'll see new root growth starting which has me a little confused. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!