Originally Posted by Intruder
Could you please give us the references of this discussion? Thanks.
Here it is:
Orchid News 28
Just a note when Wladyslaw Zaslawski (the nursery founder) is saying "wing" he means "wind".
WZ = Wladyslaw Zlaslawski (nursery founder).
ON = Orchid News (anonymous journalist).
As a warning, don't copy and paste parts of the article on the threads. I just read the fine print on the bottom of each web page that warns you not to without prior permission.
The specific part where they discuss C. schilleriana is on the bottom half of the first page.
The question that starts off the discussion on C. schilleriana's natural habitat is asking the difference between C. velutina's natural habitat and C. schilleriana's natural habitat.