Why do you want something granular? Imidacloprid is a great systemic chemical that you use either as a pot drench or spray on the plants. The effects last about a month. Here it's sold either as a liquid or granules to add to water.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
As Camille has said Imidacloprid (Merit) is great. It is available as a concentrate liquid in many of the Bayer products which can be purchased at any of the Big Box Stores. I use it both as a liquid spray and granular. I apply the granular form during summer to the outdoor plants in June and again in late August. This is so the larva get nailed before I bring everybody back into the GH for winter. The granular form will last 2 to 3 months according to the package instructions.
They used to have a product that was a 3-In-1 concentrate. I can't find it anymore, just the pre-mixed spray. They make a couple of others in a concentrate with similar formulations (Imidacloprid: 0.47%; Tau-fluvalinate: 0.61%; Tebuconazole: 0.65%)
Thanks for your reply Camille. I'm trying to get away from heavy-duty chemicals and the need for a respirator, eye cover, etc. To date I've used Orthene wetable powder. I'll look here in CA for Imidacloprid.