It could be salt build up, or as in my case the dreaded Mealie bug. Mealie bugs, if you've never experienced them, are white and have a fluffly sort of look to them. They start at the base of leaves, and the stem, hide in the roots, and in my experience when they were really bad extended down the leaf, to the tip. I'd rather have the mold problem, I think it would be easier to get rid of...
Good luck and I hope its not too hard to get rid of for you.
It could be salt build up, or as in my case the dreaded Mealie bug. Mealie bugs, if you've never experienced them, are white and have a fluffly sort of look to them. They start at the base of leaves, and the stem, hide in the roots, and in my experience when they were really bad extended down the leaf, to the tip. I'd rather have the mold problem, I think it would be easier to get rid of...
Good luck and I hope its not too hard to get rid of for you.
Ok, so mold is better than mealy bugs...oh joy! lol I have a spathoglottis outside that tomorrow I intend to pull it out of the pot and literally cleanse it with dish soap to clean what I think are mealy bugs. Tried spraying those buggers but they didn't seem to be bothered by the spray. They are white too. The joys of orchiding! lol Thanks for the being mold makes sense.