Please help! Repotted Orchid Root Going Black
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Old 09-30-2009, 02:51 AM
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Okay...that's a good sign.

It's most likely a new root. It probably started forming even before you caught all the issues the plant had.

Of course maybe it also started to get a little excited when it took a bath with you and decided to grow a little more so that you'd notice it...


If you got a chunk of pumice you've got the plant on, just tie the roots onto it firmly but not too tightly for now until you start seeing new roots form, preferably with some fishing line. After you see about 3 new roots grow to be about 3 inches long, then you can decide to pot it or mount it. High humidity is good. You want to also wet the pumice so the roots can absorb the water directly from the substrate it's on. Just don't let the pumice go bone dry. Remember where they come from (a mild to warm, humid tropical jungle growing on trees that are near water, underneath the jungle canopy shaded by the tree's branches and leaves). The leaf tips should point down towards the floor.

I forgot to tell you. The roots on a Phalaenopsis are capable of photosynthesis.

Yeah, a pic would be nice.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 09-30-2009 at 03:13 AM..
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Old 09-30-2009, 01:05 PM
Singingcrow Singingcrow is offline
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Please help! Repotted Orchid Root Going Black

Ahhh. You made a funny. Hehe.

Okay, here are the photos. I haven't tied it down yet, but I figured with being in the bathroom during my shower, and the humidex today being 75%, we're doing fabulously.

Here you'll see the root that had been turning black is on the side opposite the yellowing leaf (on the right of the first picture). On the following photos you if you look up above that root, you can see the little white poking out from the slit (blurry I know,, but it was the best I could do). I also included a shot of the underside.

I also soothed the roots with coconut oil since it kills fungus naturally.
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Last edited by Singingcrow; 09-30-2009 at 01:13 PM..
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Old 09-30-2009, 01:33 PM
King_of_orchid_growing:)'s Avatar
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The Phal doesn't look too bad. I think you'll have two good roots to deal with.

As for how to position your Phal. I've posted pics of mine and you'll see what I mean when I say the leaf tips should point down.

I'd like to also add, I no longer keep the Phals as dry as they are in these pics anymore. They grow faster with more water. I do let them dry a little bit though.

Wow, how many natural fungicides are out there? First there's cinnamon, and now coconut oil! I didn't even know coconut oil had anti-fungal properties. How cool is that! And the great thing about coconut oil is that it's inexpensive.
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Please help! Repotted Orchid Root Going Black-phal-modesta-coerulea-yr2-jpg   Please help! Repotted Orchid Root Going Black-phal-tetraspis-09-jpg   Please help! Repotted Orchid Root Going Black-phal-appendiculata-jpg   Please help! Repotted Orchid Root Going Black-phal-leucorrhoda-09-jpg  

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 09-30-2009 at 01:38 PM..
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Old 09-30-2009, 02:06 PM
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If you haven't found the link I was referring to on Michael Lo's website when he travels through Malaysia and Borneo. I found it, so here it is.

Check it out.

The Kerangas
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Old 10-01-2009, 12:04 AM
Singingcrow Singingcrow is offline
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Please help! Repotted Orchid Root Going Black

So does that mean I can tie it to the pumice and hang the whole thing?

Yes, thank you, I saw the link earlier, and I have to say, in comparison to how you used to keep your phals, the ones in Borneo seem more attracted to bark with a slight bit of moss on it, but it's not spagnum. This would certainly allow for a wetter environment, regardless of tree coverage. The other orchid appear to enjoy the fluffy dry environment more. I will learn from you, and go for the more wet environment from the start. I'm sure by the time more roots sprout, I'll have devised a plan for mounting it.

Yeah coconut oil is good for a lot of medicinal things, and not just for plants. I use it for myself all the time. Check it out!

I'm so happy it's going to be alright...! I bought it the day my cat died, so its precious to me. He was a lot like an orchid in many ways.

Thanks for all the energy you've put into helping me with this. I've learnt a lot. I know it's not over, but at least it's a start.
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Old 10-01-2009, 04:11 AM
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I don't see why you can't mount the Phal onto the pumice for the time being.

Try it out. Again try not to let the pumice go bone dry.

Maybe, the cat's spirit guided the Phal to grow a new root...maybe...
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compost, leaf, leaves, root, yellow, black, orchid, repotted

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