I'll jump in and say that my belief is the Sharry Baby is safe. A couple things though. You may not be flushing the pot with enough water. The brown ends are many times a sign of fertilizer burn on the roots. I really doubt that leaf got sunburned. I keep mine in a south-facing window supplemented with 3 CF bulbs even when the sun is shining. If a leaf yellows and drops on a back bulb, that is pretty normal (as long as all the leaves or most of the leaves are not dropping!) Don't know on the cymbidium. The miltassia shows signs of excess fertilizer build up in the medium. Be sure and water a little more often by flowing water through the medium for a few minutes to flush out the salts. I believe all three of the spp can take high light - just not full sun. If your window gets full sun use a window screen or flimsy curtain to cut direct sunlight. Let's see what the others say...