Thanks everyone.
Camille (great to have you back by the way, hope you had a great summer

), The tiny bumps have been there a while and did not seem to be changing or spreading.
I only noticed the dark spot a couple of days ago so I'm not sure about that and I noticed the limp leaves at the same time. I don't think it was there a couple of weeks ago and I was worried that the bumps were related and that I should have done something about them before.
I had scraped off one with my fingernail and it did not seem to be a bug or anything (although they seemed to small, I was originally worried they were something like scale). They just seemed to be a blister of some sort and I dabbed cinnamon on the one I had scrapped and left them. When I saw this I was worried that I had made a mistake and it was some sort of bug which had eaten in to the stem.
I don't think it's crown rot, the crown seems fine and this is a more defined spot on the side. I wish I could get a better pic of it.
I can't decide if the leaves have firmed up since it was watered a couple of days ago when I noticed this. They may have done.
I don't have H2O2 as I've not needed it yet, but I will dab on some cinnamon and try to get hold of the H2O2 to try that.
I really hope it's nothing too serious as I love this NoID.