Originally Posted by orchids3
The spray I used was
a home made concoction of "Dog flea and tick Shampoo" Acohol and water - no kidding. 4 months have passed and the plants look clean but are inspected often and resprayed when the stuff starts.
Too funny, in March every plant form the Oncidium alliance was infected by spider mites. I hosed them down in the shower and after they were dry, I sprayed them with
a home made mix which held doggy shampoo (against flees, mites and ticks), alcohol and water 
I sprayed them a second time, just to be sure, after 7 days and never saw a spider mite again!
The insecticide in the shampoo I used was permethrin. On the other hand I used fipronil (against ticks and flees on dogs) to kill scale on a plant from the Buxaceae family. It was heavily infested and it was impossible to remove the scale by hand because the tree like shape from that plant. It was kind of win or kill (the plant) situation and 1 application did the trick, but I wouldn't dare to use this spray on orchids, because the leaves might cool too mucht due to evaporation.
I don't know if fipronil can be used on orchids anyway.