I'm itching to add a lot more to my collection right now and want to make sure that nothing I have now have any viruses. Immuno strips are on its way. But to be more sure, I want to send some samples for testing in a lab. I know of critter creek but can I send samples from Canada? Or better yet, does anybody know a lab in Canada I can send samples to?
I've sent stuff to critter creek...expensive as hell though. I ordered some immuno strips from agdia...everything tested so far is negative, but realistically, how can you know the strips work well until you get a positive! :S
I use the Agdia strips and do believe they work. Have tested a lot of my Cymbidiums. After testing a few I found that I could spot plants with Sympyoms. You do need to use the strips however because not all plants show symptoms. Unfortunately the strips do not identify "ALL" viruses just the two most prominent ones.