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06-18-2009, 12:55 PM
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Location: Courseulles sur mer France
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mealy bugs on phal flowers?
My daughter came to visit me yesterday, and she was looking at my Phals. She suddenly said to me, "this one hasn't washed behind its ears! I was intrigued, and in fact I found what looked like mealie bugs tucked in behind the petals. Do mealy bugs get in behind the petals? If so how can I get rid of them, short of cutting of the flowers. You can see from the photo, I don't really want to take such a drastic step!

06-18-2009, 01:20 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: middle of the Netherlands
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Yes, mealies do get in the flowers. I had some mealy bug problems last fall, and I would find some hidden in phal blooms (and other blooms) Luckily I would catch them early enough, so I would just spear them with a needle. (I know, gross) But there was one phal that seemed more susceptible than the others, and I ended up cutting the spikes.
Look carefully, they like to hide in the lip and up in the column as well. If they are reappearing despite manual removal, buy some Confidor. It's a great systemic insectidicide that I would recommend to customers when I worked in a 'jardinerie' last spring. You either spray or drench the plant. If you spray, they blooms don't like it and will fall off, which I don't believe is the case with drenching. I would move the affected phal away from the others, and have a close look at the rest of your collection. These little pests move quite fast from plant to plant.
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06-18-2009, 01:34 PM
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A cotton swab dipped in alcohol and touched to the little beast will make short work of him! You can tell you "got" it as it will turn brown/black.
Check for new mealies every day, also down in between and on the under side of the leaves......

06-18-2009, 01:39 PM
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I've tried alcohol on the blooms but they wilt afterwards, the alcohol seems too strong for them. But maybe thicker petals don't mind. But it was a phal with really thin petaled bloomed. Thus my mealie spearing technique. Mealy Shishkebab anyone? 
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Last edited by camille1585; 06-18-2009 at 01:44 PM..

06-18-2009, 01:44 PM
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I've had some luck on my mom's Phals with Safer Soap insecticidal spray. Have had to spray several times (lightly!), with no apparent damage to the blooms, and it seems to be controlling the "plague," though you do have to keep on top of it and check every day. 

06-18-2009, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by camille1585
I've tried alcohol on the blooms but they wilt afterwards, the alcohol seems too strong for them. But maybe thicker petals don't mind. But it was a phal with really thin petaled bloomed. Thus my mealie spearing technique. Mealy Shishkebab anyone? 
Don't rub the alcohol all over the bloom, just touch it to the mealie........

06-18-2009, 02:59 PM
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Thank you so much! That is good advice. I'll have a day of spraying tomorrow! I've more on another, so I'll have to be drastic perhaps! They are both outdoors at the moment. I'll be going for mealy bug genocide tomorrow! 

06-18-2009, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Bird Song Farm
A cotton swab dipped in alcohol and touched to the little beast will make short work of him! You can tell you "got" it as it will turn brown/black.Check for new mealies every day, also down in between and on the under side of the leaves......
 Absolutely agree with Al! also, if the plant keeps on deteriorating be sure to also check the roots! I found a phal with 2/3 mealies on a root once!!
I believe I have noticed 'something' - The mealies seem to 'appear more readily ' when they are in the brightest sunshine of the day...? anyone else noticed this?

06-18-2009, 05:49 PM
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I have only ever seen one mealy on my plants ever, and it was also behind a petal of a phal. I also speared the lil guy and fed it to the venus flytrap. So I dont have a lot of experience with removing bugs cuz I dont really have any. However, as I posted in another thread, I use a jumping spider to clear bugs if any off of my orchids 

06-19-2009, 04:15 AM
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I already check everyday for mealies, as I have already had an infestation and lost 2 orchids as a result, but I think I agree with Nenella, the sunshine may have an effect, as its since my plants are in a new area with a lot of light that I've had this problem. I'll keep an eye out!
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