ANT NEST!!!!!!! Help!!!
hey you know the cute little sugar ants??? well they have infested my one orchid! its a BLC. Campobello 'Mendenhall' and it my favorite Cattleya! Today i went outside to look at the progression of a couple of new growths and i noticed a trail of these little sugar ants and they were going up and down the pot around the rim. so i said time to go and poured water on them! well then a whole army of them came out! They were carrying the little white babys and some eggs!!! a total Nightmare Situation! so i took it out side and put on the water hose and then when the water reached the top of the pot (its a small 6 or 8 inch pot kinda shallow flat cone you know the look) eggs were littered on the water surface!! so i just put the water on it for about 5 minutes to make sure they got washed away( it doubled as my pot flushing as well LOL) and i put it out of my collection and they were still there! What can i do??? im desperate! Will neem oil work??? How do i use it? Please Help Me!