Do I have thirps?
Hi there, I have what appears to be a healthy phal that I have recently brought home. It is still in bloom and looking good. I have been very careful not to over water it as its in a normal 4 inch pot in a moss medium. Its my experience that on the west coast that moss doesn't really dry out fast enough and i intend to repot in a orchid bark mix once it has finished blooming. However, the last time I watered I noticed 2 or 3 fast moving, non flying, silvery little bugs around the roots. I have seen these before on other plants - these bugs are extremely hard to find until you water, then they come running out! Seeing these in the past on other non orchid plants I had assumed they were fungus knats but in searching the internet I became aware of this other potential pest. Although from what I read about thirps and orchids is that they attack the blooms - I haven't seen this on my phal (knock on wood).
Any thoughts on what these little bugs are and how concerned I should be? Also, any thoughts on what the best orchid medium on the BC coast is best for the conditions?