Kip, I know Seed Engei is one of good suppliers and she usually ships healthy and strong neos all the time. Maybe it's just a special case.
As Seed Engei is one of vendor for the 4th Annual Express Orchid Exhibition in San Jose tomorrow, will you go there from Fresno? maybe we can meet once.
Where exactly is it? I was planning on heading to the bay area anyway.
I've ordered from Satomi twice and have no problems with her plants...they are actually very healthy. It's just the case of the unlucky batch I guess. I hope no one took the earlier reference to our plants having mealy bugs as a down play on Seed Engei.
I've ordered from Satomi twice and have no problems with her plants...they are actually very healthy. It's just the case of the unlucky batch I guess. I hope no one took the earlier reference to our plants having mealy bugs as a down play on Seed Engei.
Of course that's only a minor individual case and won't affect the reputation of Seed Engei. I just ordered the new shipment last night. They carry different varieties and I can't stop
That's the link for the exhibition. It's located on 550N. 6th St San Jose CA 95112. I will probably go there around noon time. Hope to see you.
Thanks, I'll definately be in the area around that time.
Originally Posted by Neokate
Of course that's only a minor individual case and won't affect the reputation of Seed Engei. I just ordered the new shipment last night. They carry different varieties and I can't stop
I'm putting in a new order, too. what are you ordering?
Thanks, I'll definately be in the area around that time.
I'm putting in a new order, too. what are you ordering?
As I know you must have her new May shipping list, they have a lot of variety for coming shipment. I have ordered Benimusou, Musoumaru, Ryokuho, Yatsufusa, Sengakunomai. I would like to have Kouen and Shachikoryu, but they are already sold.