Hi Nancy,
I study snakes as a PhD student (so to me I'd rather the snakes than the fish!). But with a free food supply, it's going to be hard to get rid of these guys. I am certainly against killing them, but even if you killed the ones you saw, there are probably more around and they will hunt at night as well, so youwon;t be able to keep watch 24/7. It wouldn't take long for just 1 or 2 to polish off all your fish in a few nights, they can eat a ton.
I would suggest a few things (snake away and things of that nature typically don't have much effect, but can't hurt to try and it could possibly work). 1. Can you stock your pond with just a few very large comets/fish? I know big ones are more expensive, but you can try getting fish that are just wayyyyy too big for the snakes to eat.
2. You can keep the area around the pond inhospitable for the snakes. Anything easy for them to hide in/under will encourage them to hang out. Any loose rocks should be removed and keep your grass around the pond mowed very short. That might help a bit. Snakes don't like being without cover and places to hide.
I don't know whether a fake owl or something might help, but raptors certainly eat snakes, so again, it couldn't hurt.
I would not suggest doing something as inhumane as drowning the snakes in minnow traps, that's an awful way for any animal to die (ugh, that type of thing disgusts me). You could however, set out minnow traps, leaving part above water to allow any caught snakes to breath and then transport them elsewhere.
Feel free to send me a private message or just post here if you have any other ideas/questions I might be able to help with. Good luck!