If it were me, I would never use pot culture to attempt growing the smaller Dichaeas.
I hate to be a stickler on this, but I believe mounting on a tree fern plaque or something that retains moisture is the way to go. Maybe this time, I would attempt growing the Dichaeas mounted pendulously on tree fern poles without moss...my two cents.
I'm not giving up on it yet, the roots still look good, and there are new green leaves poking out of the crowns. I also tipped it on end so it's hanging, and the growing ends are right above the perlite. The humidity is up around 80-90% within an inch of the bed.
BTW, Thanks for you input, I really appreciate it.
Last edited by Bulbophile; 05-01-2009 at 01:40 PM..
Reason: for graditude