I just noticed some tiny red "things" on one of my chids... and with further inspection, there where those same red "things" on several of my other chids as well...

They are too small to be taken any photos of (at least with my camera at the time), but the closest pic i have seen are pics of scales.
Theese on my chids are bright red, tough... But has a hard shell, and looks somewhat wrinkly. They are oval(not round) shaped, and i can not see any movment.
On the chids, there are some spots where i am sertain they have been. Its like litle bumps whis discolor as well.
Several of my chids are in blooms now, but i cant find any red "things" on the flowers... not yet, that is.
I have taken care of three chids, and found together five litte red "things", so i presume i have cought this quite early. But almost all of my chids are placed together, so i belive this has spread to at least 20 of them (is about 20 give or take in this group).
What do i do?
Im about to freak out here, course i have not had any diseases on my chids as long as i have grown them, around foure years. They are in S/H mostly, and i dont know if that will affect any treatment?
As if this is not enough... i live in Norway, where any instect-treatment are difficoult to get. This country is strickt about any chemical treatment...
Someone, help...?