Bug repellant shade cloth
Mosquitos and the viruses that they transmit are a huge problem here in Africa. I was interested to read about a new mosquito net that has proven to be a success in eradicating this scourge in certain areas. These nets are woven with an insecticide included in the fabric, so that the mosquito is history as soon as it touches the net. The insecticide which is a pyrathroid of some sort can last for as long as 3 years, even after washing.
Now what has this got to do with Growing Orchids. Can you imagine if shadecloth were made with the same properties. No more thrips, white fly, aphids, woolly aphid and even red spider chewing on our precious plants. The need for spraying poisons in our shade house would be reduced. In the next few weeks I intend to start spraying my shadecloth with a mixture of contact insecticide with a contact fungicide and a good quality wetting agent, which should stop it washing off for at least 2 - 3 weeks.
I don't know if anyone has tried this method of keeping bugs at bay, but I would be very interested in hearing from you if you have. I have contacted a manufacturer of shadecloth here in SA in the hope that they will be interested in R & D of such a product.