I have 3 separate growing areas. My back porch is my area for plants to be when the temps go down, plants in spike ($%^squirrels) and current bloomers. Anyway, I knew there were ants because of seeing them on my brassa nodosa blooms and other assorted spikes.
I went to the store yesterday to find a product to help eliminate them and bought a product called Terro. It's a clear liquid you can put on cardboard so you can put it in assorted locations.
I put it out and in about 10 minutes every ant in the world showed up.. It was unbelievable!

I ended up dragging all the plants outside to be hosed off to drown the critters, along with one of my stands. Luckily they weren't immediate biting ants! I spent the entire morning trying to locate the trail and finally found it coming from next door, so I sprayed like crazy and now will do that on a regular basis.
This morning there are still no ants on the brassa, so maybe I have turned a corner for control.
If you ever need to find ants, use that Terro!